T.M. Sinnadurai (Sinna)

T.M. Sinnadurai (Sinna) graduated from the University of London in 1999 with a Bachelor of Law (Honours) and was subsequently admitted as an Advocate and Solicitor to the Supreme Court of Singapore. Sinna has been working in the legal industry for almost 20 years.
After earning his stripes with the AGC, Sinna then joined the ranks of the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (“IRAS”) as a Legal Officer. His job scope there saw him expand his area of expertise from criminal to civil works. As a Legal Officer with the IRAS, Sinna was tasked with prosecuting offenders evading Income Tax and Goods and Services Tax. He also had to conduct trials assessing Property Tax matters at the Valuation Review Board (“VRB”) as part of his civil works portfolio.
After entering private practice, Sinna is most famed for his work and successes in the practice of Criminal Law. His legal mettle was honed during his term at the AGC and IRAS, which saw him tackle all areas of offences imaginable in Singapore, ranging from the petty to serious crimes.Using his experience as a prosecutor, Sinna has translated his expertise in criminal prosecution to defending clients from all walks of life.
Some of our more recent settlements include:
- Criminal Law
- Family Law
- Arbitration
- Bankruptcy and Insolvency Law
- Personal Injury
- Corporate Law
- Landlord and Tenant Law
- Probate and Administration of Estate
- Vehicle Accident
- Tax Law
Terence Hua ( Terence)

Terence has been a lawyer since 2000. He is an Advocate & Solicitor focusing on litigation and dispute resolution, with a good working knowledge and vast practical experience in both criminal and civil matters.
In his criminal practice, Terence has represented accused persons for a wide range of issues including theft, extortion, robbery, intimidation, cheating, forgery, corruption, drug offences, offences involving securities and futures, sexual offences like outrage of modesty and rape, causing hurt, culpable homicide and, murder.
As part and parcel of his civil practice, Terence has represented clients in an extensive range of disputes including claims in contract, building and construction, renovation, sale of goods or services, sale of land and other fixed assets, banking and financing, landlord and tenancy, hire-purchase and leasing, defamation, employment and labour disputes, negligence, e-commerce, misrepresentation or fraud, disputed insurance claims and, contentious probate and inheritance.
Terence consistently endeavours to provide his clients with quality products and solutions, that are realistic, practical, and workable. He is adept in crafting, delivering, customising, and implementing legal solutions to fit the problem at hand. During challenging and difficult times, Terence’s clients have often found him to be a frank, comforting and dependable professional, who provides trustworthy legal advice in clear, simple, and honest terms, that are structured in a straightforward and effective manner.
Over the years, Terence has also developed and acquired a broad range of skills, competencies, and expertise where court work is concerned. In particular, Terence is a seasoned veteran litigator and experienced trial lawyer. The following are some examples of the court matters, that Terence has represented clients in:
- 3D Networks Singapore Pte Ltd v Voon South Shiong & Sunway Digital Pte Ltd [2022] SGHC 167
- Public Prosecutor v Low Chee Keong [2022] SGDC 8
- Golden Star Marine Pte Ltd v Star Formula Marine Services Pte Ltd [2021] SGHC 98
- Teo Song Kheng v Teo Poh Hoon [2020] SGHC 47
- Public Prosecutor v Fok Jun Hong Johnson [2016] SGDC 96
- Public Prosecutor v Peh Hock Cheng [2015] SGDC 65
- Public Prosecutor v Chan Chye Huat Joseph [2014] SGDC 62
- Public Prosecutor v Toh Boon Chong [2013] SGDC 439
- Chua Kwee Sin v Venerable Sek Meow Di (Tang Kheng Tiong, third party) [2013] SGHC 265
- Public Prosecutor v Tay Choon Guan Eddie [2012] SGDC 30
- Annis bin Abdullah v Public Prosecutor [2004] SGHC 52
In addition, Terence also maintains a focus on maximising continuous personal and professional growth, as a means of holistically developing the human and humane side of his legal practice.